Devil in the Drums
The Reformists of the SDARM
generally BELIEVE and TEACH:
- So-called ‘modern’ forms of
worship, such as drums and guitars, as well as dancing or clapping, are
supposedly inappropriate or evil.
- Ellen White supposedly warned about worship with ‘shouting, with drums, music
and dancing.’
Reformists are WRONG because:
Psalms 149 and 150 explicitly mention the use of various music instruments
(lyres, harps, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets), together with dancing, singing and shouting,
as valid forms of worship.
Such forms of worship are not ‘modern’ but actually ancient, long practiced
by the children of Israel, and still practiced by Jews today.
No instrument is in itself evil; rather, it is whether the instrument is used
to glorify God or for evil. Similarly,
dancing has long practiced by Jews; however, Jews usually danced communally
or segregated by gender, to safeguard against misuse as eroticism.
Ellen White was not making a broad statement against these forms of worship
generally but was addressing specifically the Pentecostal ‘Holy Flesh
Movement’ in Indiana, which involved: all of these various forms of worship
simultaneously and chaotically (as opposed to individually and orderly); and
which ironically embraced a theology of perfectionism.
In its official statement of beliefs
under “Christian Temperance”, the SDARM observes:
‘Even things which are lawful in themselves, if practiced
in a wrong way, with the wrong crowd, in the wrong place, and at the wrong
time, may work as a snare of Satan. But, in the first place, we should shun the
most evident evils, such as worldly associations, worldly music...’
This author wholly agrees. The
question, however, is what exactly constitutes ‘worldly’ music practiced in a
‘worldly way’? For most congregations of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform
Movement, and many conservative Adventists, the use of drums, guitars and other
modern instruments, in any capacity, is considered ‘worldly’ music – and thus
should be prohibited.
What does the Bible say?
Psalms 149
Psalms 149, especially verses 1-3,
mention praising God in the assembly with dancing, tambourine and lyre:
1 Praise
the Lord!
Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.
2 Let Israel be glad in its Maker;
let the children of Zion rejoice in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing,
making melody to him with tambourine and lyre.
4 For the Lord takes pleasure in his people;
he adorns the humble with victory.
5 Let the faithful exult in glory;
let them sing for joy on their couches.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their throats
and two-edged swords in their hands,
7 to execute vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,
8 to bind their kings with fetters
and their nobles with chains of iron,
9 to execute on them the judgment decreed.
This is glory for all his faithful ones.
Praise the Lord! (emphasis added)
Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.
2 Let Israel be glad in its Maker;
let the children of Zion rejoice in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing,
making melody to him with tambourine and lyre.
4 For the Lord takes pleasure in his people;
he adorns the humble with victory.
5 Let the faithful exult in glory;
let them sing for joy on their couches.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their throats
and two-edged swords in their hands,
7 to execute vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,
8 to bind their kings with fetters
and their nobles with chains of iron,
9 to execute on them the judgment decreed.
This is glory for all his faithful ones.
Praise the Lord! (emphasis added)
Psalms 150
Similarly, Psalms 150, especially
verses 3-5, mention praising God with trumpets, lute, harp, tambourine, dance,
strings, pipes, clanging cymbals and loud clashing cymbals:
1 Praise
the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty firmament!
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his surpassing greatness!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty firmament!
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his surpassing greatness!
3 Praise
him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
5 Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! (emphasis added)
praise him with lute and harp!
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
5 Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! (emphasis added)
What are these instruments?

Importantly, there is nothing
necessarily Jewish about these instruments.
Rather, they were found through the ancient Near East, and could be used
equally in the worship of pagan gods as they were of Yahweh. The primary point being, it seems a range of
instruments can be used to worship God, and it is not the instrument itself,
but how it is used, which is the important matter.
What about the dancing?

If anyone has been to a traditional
Jewish wedding, or that of many other traditional cultures, they will know that
there is plenty of dancing. It is just
that men often dance with men, and women with women. Alternatively, the dancing is usually
communal, consisting of a group linking arms and swaying. Such traditional dancing is not a private
moment between couples as was common in the ballroom dancing of Ellen White’s
own day or found in modern nightclubs.

Thus context is everything. Dancing per
se is clearly not evil – the Bible says so.
Rather, much like instruments, it is the type of dancing, and its
ultimate purpose, whether for God or sexual gratification, which is the issue.
What is the Reformist position in light of such clear scriptural texts?
The Reformist arguments against
‘modern’ worship
Concerning Psalms 149, in “Is Dancing Evil” from the ‘independent historic’ Reformist publication Sabbath Sermons:
‘What do those Psalms indicate? These are the two most favourite psalms.
The Bible Old and New Testament, the original manuscripts were not separated
into verse and chapter. To students studying the Bible, Psalms 149 and 150 are
not separated. They have only been separated for our usage. It is the
same psalm through the poetry and language. If you were going to choose a
song, if we were talking about our hymn books today, you would choose a song
for a special occasion out of the hymn, would you not choose a hymn appropriate
for the event? You wouldn’t choose a hymn like ‘Some Day the Silver Cord
would Brake’ for someone’s wedding ceremony.
…Do you know why the drum
was not an instrument that was used in the sanctuary although it was allowed in
a more secular setting?
…Was that a wedding song? What kind of song do you think
that would be related to? Battle, it’s absolutely clear. What people are doing
today is that they are taking portions of scripture completed out of the
original meaning and context and they are throwing it into the sanctuary and
worship of God. That is not how Seventh Day Adventists interpret the Bible. We
have always used the context of scripture by comparing scripture with scripture
and the historical setting to establish what is being taught here. It is very
clear we can’t use Psalms 149. It is in accordance with everything we have
established in all the other texts so far. All are related in the context of
battle. When study the word of God in the way in which we are to study the word
of God, scripture expounds scripture and the meaning becomes clear. All the
crutches which we are using today bringing worship to an earthly level are
slowly disappearing.’
And similarly concerning Psalms 150
it is explained:
‘The same types of aspects and motivations are mentioned. The
expressions of worship being mentioned are the same as Psalms 149. It is the
same Psalm but listen to what the verse says as this is one that people might
grab on and listen to what it says.
…It says you can praise God in his sanctuary with this kind of worship,
the drums and so on but is that really what is the text is saying?
…The big question we need to ask ourselves is what is David referring
to? Is he referring to the heavenly or to the earthly sanctuary?
…All the other evidence in the other texts have told us it is the
setting of battle outside the sanctuary. Not even the drum was used in
the sanctuary so that would exclude it automatically from all the evidence.
…I didn’t mean that we don’t battle, it does mean that we cannot
literally take something that was in that historical setting in that context
and justify that same thing happening today in our present setting. It is
an historical record of what happened in the children of Israel. When you get
down to the bottom line of it all, the Old Testament is not establishing a
doctrine of worship.’
In a nutshell, the Reformist
argument against drums, stringed instruments, dancing and other forms of so-called
‘modern’ worship (although in reality the Bible demonstrates these are actually
ancient forms of worship) as suggested in Psalms 149 and 150, includes the
following reasons:
- Psalms 149 relates to military battle;
- Psalms 150 supposedly is the same song as Psalms 149, where the chapters are artificial, so it too supposedly also relates to military battle;
- Both Psalms relate to worship outside – not inside the Sanctuary building;
- Both Psalms relate to ‘secular’ worship – presumably suggesting worship outside of a usual Church-assembly service; and
- We can’t take these worship activities literally, so we cannot spiritualise these activities and apply them today to the spiritual battles of Christians against Satanic forces not made of flesh or blood,
and so, according to the Reformists,
we supposedly cannot apply these worship activities to the modern Christian
Church service inside the modern Church building.
Problems with the Reformist
arguments against ‘modern’ worship
There are, however, a number of
problems with the Reformist arguments against drums, stringed instruments, and
other so-called ‘modern’ forms of worship:
- There is nothing to suggest Psalms 150 is merely a continuation of Psalms 149. Scholastic techniques such as form criticism help identify the form, genre and setting of biblical passages. Psalms 149 and 150 are types of Hymns (other types of Psalms include Enthronement Scenes, Laments, Thanksgiving, Royal Psalms and Wisdom Psalms to name a few). For Hymns, the phrase ‘Praise the Lord!’ is often found at the beginning and ending of each separate song – see Psalms 146, 147 and 148. This is why Bibles (including the KJV) place the chapter divisions where they are – it is quite obvious where one Psalm finishes and another begins. Moreover, Psalms 149:1 even explicitly says it is a ‘new song.’ Thus, there is no basis to conclude Psalms 149 and 150 part of the same song.
- Whilst Psalm 149 may be relate to military victory, there is no indication that Psalm 150 does. Psalm 150 has nothing to do with war. Thus, the key argument of the Reformists is misplaced. Psalms 150 is not a military song like Psalms 149 – it is a generic song. It is no doubt for this reason that the book of Psalms finishes with this song, which provides a generic instruction about how to worship God. The generic Psalm 150 makes clear that these types of worship are acceptable to God.
- There is nothing to suggest the Psalms only relates to ‘secular’ worship – and such a notion is an oxymoron anyway. Even if Psalms 149 relates to a military victory celebration, verse 1 says this celebration occurs ‘in the assembly of the faithful.’ The assembly is associated with the Sanctuary – see Duet 23:1. The notion of the ‘assembly’ is also where we obtain the notion of the Church congregation, where the Greek word ‘ecclesia’ means ‘assembly’. Thus, the Psalms clearly involve congregational worship – like the modern Christian Sabbath service.
- At the time of David’s Psalms, there was no Temple Building – only a tent, which was at times moved. The assembled people did not worship God inside the Lord’s Tent (comprising the Holy Place and Most Holy Place), which was only accessible to the Jewish Priesthood; thus, arguably all such assembly worship was in fact outside. Thus, the whole Reformist distinctin between outside-inside worship is a nonsense.
- Christians don’t consider modern churches as types of the OT Sanctuary. The OT Sanctuary was merely an archetype fulfilled in Jesus, whose body (and ours) is the true Sanctuary. Instead, where two or three believers come together there is a modern Sanctuary, and where a synagogue (the proto-type for the church) is nothing more than a prayer hall – there is nothing particular holy in the bricks and mortar. Jesus similarly made clear in John 4:20-21 to the Samaritan woman at the well that for Christians, the place of worship is irrelevant – either on mount Gerizim or on mount Zion. Thus, the obsession with distinguishing Sanctuary vs non-Sanctuary worship activities of worship is largely irrelevant – and arguably unChristian.
- Contrary to Reformist assertions, the Bible makes clear that these various instruments, including harps, lyres, cymbals and trumpets, were permitted in relation to Sanctuary worship. 1 Chron 16:4-6: 4 He appointed certain of the Levites as ministers before the ark of the Lord, to invoke, to thank, and to praise the Lord, the God of Israel. 5 Asaph was the chief, and second to him Zechariah, Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-edom, and Jeiel, with harps and lyres; Asaph was to sound the cymbals, 6 and the priests Benaiah and Jahaziel were to blow trumpets regularly, before the ark of the covenant of God. (emphasis added)
- Even assuming both Psalms relate to war (which is denied above concerning Psalm 150), there is no basis whatsoever to suggest we can’t apply these literal Jewish battle songs to Christian spiritual warfare against Satan. The Reformists themselves continually make parallels to the most obscure things found in the Jewish Law, such as their argument for closed communion (which they say is paralleled to the original Exodus Passover meal).
· Despite the tortuous arguments of
the Reformists the plain ‘Thus saith the
Lord’ is clear. We are to worship
God with these various instruments, including percussion-like instruments, with
singing, and sometimes even with shouting and dancing!
What about Ellen White’s
condemnation of drums?
Given the Bible is so clear on the
matter, in typical style, the SDARM are then left with plan B – Ellen White.
Within that context, the following comment
from Ellen White is usually upheld by Reformists and other conservative
Adventists for their position on the prohibition on so-called ‘modern’ forms of
‘[Camp meeting in Muncie, Indiana:] The things you have described as
taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the
close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated.
There will be shouting, with drums, music and dancing. The senses
of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make
right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise.
This is an invention of Satan—better never to have the worship of God
blended with music than to use musical instruments to do the work which
last January was represented to me would be brought into our camp meetings.’—2SM pp. 31, 36. (emphasis
With everything on this subject, context
is everything. In particular, what Ellen
White was addressing was what later became known as the ‘Holy Flesh Movement’.
The Holy Flesh Movement was an early
version of Pentecostalism, following the teachings of A F. Ballenger
(1861-1921), which influenced the Indiana Conference of the SDA Church for a
time. However, with the greatest irony,
the primary theological objective of the Holy Flesh Movement was the supposed
attainment of perfection, which was said to transform the person into a sinless
and immortal state:
Holy Flesh theory alleged that those who follow the Saviour must have their
fallen natures perfected by passing through a “Garden of Gethsemane”
experience... Eyewitness accounts report that in their services the fanatics
worked up a high pitch of excitement by use of musical instruments such as organs,
flutes, fiddles, tambourines, horns, and even a big bass drum. They sought
a physical demonstration and shouted and prayed and sang until someone in the
congregation would fall, prostrate and unconscious, from his seat. One or two
men, walking up and down the aisle for the purpose, would drag the fallen
person up on the rostrum. Then about a dozen individuals would gather around
the prostrate body, some singing, some shouting, and some praying, all at
the same time. When the subject revived, he was counted among those who had
passed through the Gethsemane experience, had obtained holy flesh, and had
translation faith. Thereafter, it was asserted, he could not sin and would
never die.’ –
2nd Selected Messages Chapter 3 –
Thus, Ellen White’s criticisms were
not merely about drums or dancing. Importantly,
the Holy Flesh Movement did not merely use drums – and Ellen White’s major
criticism was not just about drums.
Rather, the Holy Flesh Movement also used organs, flutes and fiddles –
instruments found in a symphony orchestra and commonly used by Reformists and
other conservative Adventists today in their own worship services. As such, the issue was clearly not about
instruments per se – it was about how these instruments were being used
and for what purpose.
As outlined above, music, shouting,
prostration and singing can individually constitute true and proper worship, if
they occur within the proper context with the right objective. There is nothing
evil in itself with clapping or shouting to the Lord – as Psalms 47:1 and 98:4
attests. There is nothing evil in itself
with prostration prayer, which is exactly the way Christ prayed in Gethsemane –
as 1 Kings 1:47 and Mar 14:35 demonstrate. There is nothing evil in itself
about singing – as Psalms 100:1-2 and Col 3:16 explain. Importantly, there is nothing evil in itself
with percussion instruments, including drums, in the same way there is nothing
evil about organs, fiddles or flutes – as described in Psalms 149 and 150 above.
Concerning styles of worship, Ellen
White seemed primarily concerned about a ‘bedlam of noise’, where all of these
aspects, good individually, but which occurred simultaneously at the same time during
the service – thus creating a confusing cacophony. However, we should never
forget that such a confusing Babylonian-style of worship can be accomplished
with any number of instruments – or with no instruments at all.
Furthermore, one will note Ellen
White mentioned using no instruments whatsoever. If one were to take her statement absolutely literally,
as Reformists do, then they would use no instruments in worship. However, that clearly wasn’t the point. Sister White’s point was that if instruments
are misused, in a chaotic fashion, then they should not be used at all. Thus, she wasn’t talking about instruments –
she was talking about misuse of instruments in worship.
Finally and most importantly, it
seems Ellen White’s greatest concerns were about a perfectionist theology. Again with the greatest of irony, it is this
perfectionist theology, often known as ‘Last Generation Theology’, that
pervades the most conservative factions of the Adventist Movement. Whilst the methodology can and is of concern,
the greater issue is the objective to which this methodology was intended.
For these reasons, we can see that
this so-called condemnation of drums and other ‘modern’ forms of worship by
Ellen White is not quite straight forward as many might think. One could argue that it is many Reformist and
conservative Adventists who are in fact the unwitting heirs of the Holy Flesh
Movement, unknowingly becoming the tools of Satan.
Hahahahah you are working for the devil my friend!
ReplyDeleteI pity you.
Good riddance
Who are you talking to? Your comment generally makes no sense whatsoever
Delete"Sister White’s point was that if instruments are misused, in a chaotic fashion, then they should not be used at all. Thus, she wasn’t talking about instruments – she was talking about misuse of instruments in worship."
ReplyDeleteDrums are most certainly misused. I'm talking about the trap set drums. Put frankly the polyrhythmic beats and syncopated rhythms produced invite evil spirits.
I will not address the guitar as this is up to the player.
Our church claps when it acknowledges a member's Birthday, or Anniversary. When it goes into worship the motives become questionable, whether it is to gratify the senses, or to praise God.
In terms of dancing, the motivation of this style of worship is questionable as to whether it is practiced out of a sincere love for God, or due to the euphoria experienced.
If we worship in a manner in order to please the senses, we can cause our limbic system to overpower our cognitive system. This will ultimately result in it being immensely difficult to resist temptation.
Actually self-indulgence in anything can increase the power of the appetites and passions, until they have almost unlimited control. This is why Jesus fasted in the wilderness, to resist the most basic desire, appetite.
Here are a few interesting things of the effects of anything we watch or listen to on the brain for those curious:
Media on the Brain -- Mini Seminar
The Distraction Dilemma -- A Music Overview
I would also suggest to read:
The Desire of Ages (Chapter 11 -- The Temptation)
Just a note to readers. I suggest you do some research on this and don't just take what I've written at face value. That way you'll be vigilant of subtle means the enemy uses to intercept communion between the Children of God and the Most High.
Here's a quote from The Desire of Ages (Chapter 11), I thought I'd end with:
"... our only hope of eternal life is through bringing the appetites and passions into subjection to the will of God."