Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva: The Tritheism of the Seventh-day
Adventist Reform Movement's (SDARM) view of the Godhead

Reformists of the SDARM generally BELIEVE and TEACH:
- That the doctrine of the Trinity is unscriptural.
- That the doctrine of the Trinity is an invention of the Roman
Catholic Church.
- That the Father, Son and Spirit are not of ‘one substance.’
- The Godhead is composed of three separate, distinct, eternal beings. What the Reformists advocate is a type of pagan Tritheism – the worship of three separate gods.
The Reformists are WRONG because:
- The doctrine of the
Trinity is supported in scripture.
- The doctrine of the
Trinity is not an invention of the Roman Catholic Church – it more
appropriately was formulated by the Greek-speaking Eastern Church.
- SDARM Reformists misunderstand
the word ‘person’ because it means something different in the original Greek
than it does in English.
- Tritheism is a belief
found in paganism, such as ancient Greece and modern Hindu India.
- In their naivety,
Reformists threaten the central message to Moses of monotheism – that there
is just one God.
Who do you say I am? The most basic question
Jesus once asked
Peter, as recorded in Mark 8:29:
‘But who do you say that I am?’

The mainstream SDA
Church has what most would consider an ‘orthodox’ or ‘mainstream’ view of the
Trinity, as explained in Fundamental 2 of its beliefs:
2. The Trinity:
There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a
unity of three co-eternal Persons. God is immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing,
above all, and ever present. He is infinite and beyond human comprehension, yet
known through His self-revelation. He is forever worthy of worship, adoration,
and service by the whole creation. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph.
4:4-6; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 14:7.)
And yet it appears
the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM) does not really know the
answer itself.
Despite focusing on
vegetarianism, sleeveless shirts, or measuring the length of a women’s hair,
they don’t seem to have a coherent answer to the most fundamental questions of
worship. Whilst they accuse other
Churches to be in Babylon, of not worshipping God in the true and proper way,
it seems they are not in fact sure what God they actually worship!
SDARM Smugness: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
As will be explored
in this article, the SDARM have had some pretty unusual views about the
Godhead. Their latest and current theory
is something akin to Tritheism – the worship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as
three separate gods.

Moreover, one can
acknowledge that the ultimate question of God is somewhat above human
comprehension, which is why we should perhaps avoid being too dogmatic about
the whole matter, as if human hubris can put God in a box. As SDA pioneer Ellen White noted:
‘The revelation of Himself that God has given in
His word is for our study. This we may seek to understand. But beyond this we
are not to penetrate. The highest intellect may tax itself until it is wearied
out in conjectures regarding the nature of God, but the effort will be
fruitless. This problem has not been given us to solve. No human mind can
comprehend God. None are to indulge in speculation regarding His nature. Here
silence is eloquence. The Omniscient One is above discussion.’—The Ministry of
Healing, p. 429.
The Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity,
who first developed the doctrine of the Trinity, has long held a similar
belief. Unlike the Roman Catholic
Church, these Eastern Christians are careful by avoiding to define the
Godhead in detail, which they say detracts from embracing its mystery.
However, rather than being uncommitted and open on the idea, the SDARM adopts such smugness, claiming
every other Christian group, including the mainstream SDA Church, is supposedly
in Babylon. As stated by Parick Jones in the 'independent historic' Reformist publication The Godhead Is Composed Of Three Separate, Distinct, Eternal Beings:
‘The term “Trinity” is nowhere found in the Bible.
It is an unscriptural term that describes an unscriptural entity… Could it be
that many Seventh-day Adventists are ignorantly worshipping the same God that
they are told not to worship in the third angel’s message—the god of the beast
power? Or are we just calling the true Godhead by the name of a false god? What
god are we worshipping today? Could modern Israel, like Israel of old, be
worshipping a false god?’
And similarly by A. Balbach, explaining the Reformist position from the SDARM Principles of Faith (1925) in Considerations of the Godhead:
‘In the light of our Principles of Faith (1925), as can be seen, we [the SDARM] do not teach the
Catholic doctrine of the Trinity… Although several pioneers held that the
rejection of the papal trinity was important, no specific statement in support
of Arianism or Semi-arianism ever became part of the present truth… To warn the
Adventist people against the introduction of the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity,
is a must; but let us be careful and not go from one extreme to the other. It
is definitely wrong to weed out from the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy
that which does not agree with our ideas or that which is beyond our
We could well then ask
the Reformers the same question, as to who they are worshipping? As this
article will demonstrate, their confusion on the matter seems the very epitome
of Babel – literally confusion. Again, we could all be more forgiving of their
own naïve views if it were not for the fact that they are so dogmatic
themselves, being so quick to look at the speck in their brethren’s eye whilst
ignoring the plan in their own.
I AM: Jesus is God
Like most things in
Christianity, the starting point for this discussion on the Godhead and Trinity
begins with the question of Jesus Christ.

‘In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning
with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing
came into being. And the Word became flesh
and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only
son, full of grace and truth.’
Moreover in John
8:58-59, Christ calls Himself in the Temple by the name ‘I AM’. Jesus in effect calls Himself by God’s
personal name as revealed to Moses in Ex 3:14. This amazing claim results in quite a reaction, where
the Jewish audience then proceeds to stone Jesus for blasphemy:

Finally in Phil
2:6-7, Jesus Christ is described as being in the form of God, but emptied
himself to become born as a human being:
‘who, though he was in the form of
God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in
human likeness’
Abraham’s Monotheism: Worship of One God
There has been a
problem, however, since the days of the Early Church. If Jesus is God, then how can there be just
one God – the foundation of monotheism?
After all, both the Old Testament and New Testament are clear that there
is only one God.
To suggest otherwise
is to do away with the very purpose for which Abraham left Chaldea, as well as
God’s purpose in raising up Moses and the Children of Israel. To abandon the
worship of one God is simply to embrace paganism – the worship of many gods. After all, as the Shema Judaism in Deut 6:4
Jesus Himself
affirmed in Mark 2:29 that the greatest commandment is the worship of just one
‘Jesus answered, ‘The first is,
“Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one”’
Furthermore, the
first commandment of the Decalogue in Ex 20:3 clearly requires:
‘you shall have no other gods
before me.’
Finally, as made explicitly clear in Isaiah 44:6, if it could not
be any clearer:
‘Thus saith
the LORD the King of Israel and his redeemer the LORD of hosts: I am the first
and I am the last; and beside me there is no God’
A difficult question: Christian theories about Jesus and
the Godhead

If one is totally
honest, the New Testament writers themselves did not come up with and
communicate one clear and unambiguous overarching theory – to some extent the
answer is still a mystery. Instead, the
Apostles largely merely left the ingredients.
It was left
to future generations to explain how these different pieces, where each piece
in itself is wholly biblical, somehow fit together to make one coherent whole. The most common solutions included as
Arianism held that
Jesus was a divine god, or was god-like, but he was not the ultimate God. Arianism was developed by a bishop called
Arius in c.250-336 CE.
Instead, Jesus was
merely the first creation of God, and through Jesus everything else was
created. Thus, this theory maintained that Jesus was divine, but it also
ensured there was only one God (who wasn’t Jesus). Therefore, Jesus is not the God of the Bible, but just the greatest creature.

Finally, Arianism seemed
to be a little too reminiscent of the pagan-Greek philosophical idea of
Gnosticism, which had begun infiltrating the Church in the time of the
Apostles. It was the Gnostics who taught
the Hebrew Creator of the Garden of Evil was actually an evil Demiurge, or flawed
little god. It was in response to
Gnostic infiltrators in the Early Church that John had accused some of being
anti-Christ in 1 John 4:3 (as Gnostics believed Jesus was only in a spirit-form
and not really in the flesh, known as Docetism).
Arianism was quite
popular amongst early Adventist pioneers.
However, SDA pioneer Ellen White seemed to have more ‘orthodox’
leanings, and such her teachings eventually came to influence the early SDA Church:
‘This Saviour was the brightness of His
Father's glory and the express image of His person. He possessed divine
majesty, perfection, and excellence. He was equal with God.’ (2T 200)
‘The Son
of God was in the form of God, and he thought it not robbery to be equal with God.’ (2SP 10)
Jehovah’s Witnesses
are probably the best known modern group who essentially adhere to Arianism.
The next theory was
Modalism, also known as Sabellianism or Monarchianism. It essentially held that there is just one
God, but it is just the believer who perceives there to be more than one
deity. In support of the Modalist
position is the acknowledgment that the original meaning for ‘person’ does not
mean as we understand it in English, but in Greek is hypostasis or prosopa and
in Latin personae – literally ‘faces’
or ‘masks’. A classic Modalist text is John 14:10, where Jesus makes clear
there is no difference between Him and the Father:

In this way,
Modalists affirmed Jesus is God, and at the same time ensured the worship of
just one God. The reason God can appear to be in more than one place at once,
as perceived by the believer, is because God is omnipotent – He is everywhere.
In opposition to
Modalism, it was said to contradict passages such as the Great Commission in
Matt 1:16-17, which describe God as separate – Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. Moreover, much like
Arianism, a main argument against Modalism was that it derived principally from
pagan-Greek teachings that had infiltrated Christianity. Some Modalists even
suggested Jesus was not pre-existent, but only came into being when made flesh
on earth.
Ellen White, in her
opposition to Kellogg’s Pantheism, raised concerns with any theory that
suggested the Father did not have a personality as a personal being:
‘The new
theories in regard to God and Christ, as brought out in "The Living
Temple", are not in harmony with the teaching of Christ. The Lord Jesus
came to this world to represent the Father. He did not represent God as an
essence pervading nature, but as a personal being. Christians should bear in
mind that God has a personality as verily as has Christ.’ (Letter 212, 1903 in SpM 324)
Oneness Pentecostal
Churches are probably the best known modern group who essentially adhere to
Modalism. They are usually well known
for only baptising in Jesus’ name rather than using the traditional formula of
baptising in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The final and most
widely held Christian view is Trinitarianism. The doctrine of the Trinity is
commonly described as being ‘One God in
three persons.’
Texts used in support
of the Trinity include Gen 1:26, 3:22 and 11:7, where God talks about the
plural ‘us’ - and plural in the present tense and not merely a succession of modes. The word God there is Elohim, which can have a plural meaning.
Other hints of the Trinity in the Old Testament include Isaiah 48:16, which
talk about Lord (Father), sent (Christ) with Spirit (Holy Spirit), as well as
Psalms 110:1 (referred to by Jesus in Matt 22:44), where the Lord speaks to my

‘The grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be
with all of you’
There is also the clear
Trinitarian formula found in the Great Commission of Matt 28:19:
‘Go therefore and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit’
There are also a
range of biblical parallels or examples including: marriage, where two become
one in flesh, and the third in the relationship is God who makes the union (Gen
2:24); the human person made up of mind, body and spirit (breath); and the
Church itself, as if made up of different organs working together (1 Thes 5:23;
Heb 4:12).
To take the example of water:
To take the example of water:
- Arianism, which would view two containers of liquid, a superior and pure container of water (Father-God) and a lesser pure container of say wine (Son-lesser-god);
- Modalism, which would view only one container of water, which goes from liquid (Father), to ice (Son) to steam (Spirit) in three different and successful states, which cannot exist in different states at the same time, and where there is only ever one container of water; and
- Trinitarianism, which would view three containers of water, one of which is liquid (Father), one ice (Son) and one steam (Spirit); thus, all three containers share the same essence (H2O water) but there are in fact still three separate containers existing separately in different states at the same time.
This Triune view was
crystalized in the Councils of Nicaea (325) and Constantinople (381), and became
known as the Nicene Creed. However, as explored further below, one needs to be
careful because English terminology may not adequately explain what was
originally meant by the Trinitarian formula. The term one ‘God’ was actually in
Greek one ousia, meaning one ‘essence’;
the term three ‘persons’ was actually three hypostaseis, meaning three existences or entities.
Trinity: Biblical or Roman Catholic
At this point it is
necessary to dispel two myths. First, is
the accusation, as observed in the SDARM quote above, that the Trinity is not
biblical because the word ‘Trinity’ is not found in the New Testament. The word isn’t found, but neither is the phrase ‘Seventh-day Adventist’ ever used in the New Testament to describe God’s
Church. Rather, theological terms are
merely short-cut labels are not in of themselves proof of anything. Moreover, Adventists, including the SDARM, have long recognised the importance of present truth, new light and progressive revelation. Thus, theological developments did not end with the Apostles, as the Holy Spirit continues to pour out his gifts on His people.

As such, the doctrine of the Trinity had little to do
with the Western-rite Latin Roman Catholic Church. In fact, when the
Roman Catholic Church did eventually become involved several centuries later, they caused much havoc with their
introduction of their Filioque clause. This Roman Catholic change to the Trinity was
then rejected and
continues to be today in the Eastern half of Christianity.
Moreover, as discussed above, the word ‘person’ in
English is a rather poor translation of the Latin personae, which is itself a poor translation of the original Greek hypostasis. Even the Protestant
Reformers largely inherited this Latin confusion, because contrary to common
perception, most Western Christians at the time were unfamiliar with the Greek
Nicene Creed but instead used the Latin Athanasian Creed.
Thus, much of the current confusion in the West about the
Trinity owes to a translation error of a translation error. This confusion extended through to the
Protestant Reformers. By contrast, the
Eastern Orthodox Christians who formulated the original doctrine are more in-line
with Ellen White’s own advice to accept the mystery of the Father and Holy
Spirit, without trying to define exactly what it means to call them ‘persons’. Therefore, when people like the SDARM say
they reject the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, they need to be clearer
as to whether they are or are not rejecting the original formulation of the
Greek-speaking Eastern Church, or just the Roman Catholic variation.
Back to the future: Evolution in Adventist thought about
the Godhead
The mainstream SDA
Church now has what most would consider an ‘orthodox’ or ‘mainstream’ view of
the Trinity, as explained in its Fundamental 2, keeping in mind the Western version (from the Roman Catholics) is slightly different from the original Eastern Orthodox variation. However, this was not always so. As observed by Gerhard Pfandl, The
Doctrine of the Trinity Amongst Adventists (Biblical Research Institute:
1999), in its earliest day Arianism dominated Adventism for a time, together
with smatterings of Modalism and even Pantheism.
However, slowly, in
no small amount due to the influence of SDA Pioneer Ellen White, a move away
from Arianism occurred towards a Trinitarian position. In her dramatic book, the Desire of Ages,
Ellen White wrote:
‘From the days of eternity the Lord Jesus
Christ was one with the Father’ (19).
‘In Christ is life, original, unborrowed,
underived. . . . The divinity of Christ is the believer’s assurance of eternal life’ (530).
‘The Saviour came forth from the grave by
the life that was in Himself’ (785).
‘Sin could be resisted and overcome only
through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead’ (671).
Although she never
used the word ‘Trinity’, Ellen White had an essentially Trinitarian
understanding of God, stating in Special Testimonies, B (1905):
‘The Father can
not be described by the things of earth. The Father is all the fulness of the
Godhead bodily, and is invisible to mortal sight.
The Son
is all the fulness of the Godhead manifested. The Word of God declares Him to
be "the express image of His person."
so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Here is
shown the personality of the Father.
Comforter that Christ promised to send after He ascended to heaven, is the
Spirit in all the fulness of the Godhead, making manifest the power of divine
grace to all who receive and believe in Christ as a personal Saviour. There are
three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great
powers--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-- those who receive Christ by
living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient
subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.’
Finally in 1931, the
doctrine of the Trinity was finally enshrined in the SDA fundamental beliefs. Although this occurred after the death of
Ellen White, she had laid much of the foundations for development in this
doctrine, according to Adventist understandings of progressive revelation and
present truth – as opposed to the creedal stagnation found in both in SDARM and
Papal Rome.
The Truth: Which Truth?
The SDARM often likes
to say it has The Truth. But when it comes to the question of who or
what God is, it appears they don’t or at least haven’t had The Truth for very long. As Helmut Kramer, in SDA Reform Movement at page 55 observes:
‘The Reform Movement has never
had a clear understanding of the nature of the Godhead. In the booklet,
Principles of Faith, it is still stated that the Holy Spirit is a power. No
mention is made that He is also a personal Being. It was not until the General
Conference (IMS) session in 1978 that it was acknowledged for the first time
that the Holy Spirit is actually a Person. Despite the decision to this effect,
there are still leading men who strongly dispute this teaching.
Even more sad is the belief and teaching of
some of the General Conference leaders regarding the divinity of Christ. Until
recently, Arianism, the teaching that Christ is a created being, was taught at
the mission school for potential workers. As late as the General Conference
Committee (IMS) session of 1980, workers were requested to teach that Christ,
while on earth, was totally human without any divinity.’
Given they seem to be
so late to the party, in only recently abandoning Arianism, one would think the
SDARM would be a little less arrogant in condemning other Christian groups. This is especially true of condemning the mainstream SDA Church, for its views of the Godhead. The SDARM effectively says they condemn others for concepts they seem to admit they don't really understanding themselves.
Everyone not on the same page: Confusion in the SDARM ranks
The other interesting situation is that despite all of the above, it appears many within
the SDARM have not received the memo that their Church does not teach a belief
in the Trinity. For example, in the
‘About Us’ section for the SDA Reform Movement, Temple Hills MD, it states:
’About SDA Reform Movement
: Adventists believe a Trinity of three
persons–the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit–make up one God.
Three deities without a shared essence: The SDARM rejection
of the Trinity
So what are the SDARM concerns about the Trinity? According to the SDARM, there are supposedly
a number of errors that makes the doctrine of the Trinity heresy. According to Parick Jones, in the 'independent historic' Reformist publication The Godhead Is Composed Of Three Separate, Distinct, Eternal Beings, these
alleged errors include the following:
* ‘Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit all of one substance.
* Three
“Persons” are really not persons, but “manifestations” of one mega-god.
* The Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit are not “united”, but “triune.”
* Not
eternal, but “co-eternal”.
* The Son,
and Holy Spirit not “un-derived.”
* The one mega-God is a spirit without body or
And as explained by
A. Balbach, Considerations of the Godhead,
as to the SDARM problems with the Trinity:
‘We think
they would do a much better job if they directed their thrust only at the
erroneous aspects of the dogma, such as these two:
all eternity, [the Son] is generated, He is begotten, in the divine mind of the
"The doctrine of the Trinity is intended to
affirm the threefold oneness of God… one God who makes himself known in three
ways of being."’
It is probably best
to address each of these concerns in turn. However, one should realise no two theologians in the world
probably agree on what the ‘persons’ of the Trinity really means. Again, that is fine, if we adopt the position of the Eastern Orthodox Churches and Ellen White in not trying to be too dogmatic about an issue is beyond human comprehension.
Eternal God: Son
begetting and Spirit proceeding from the Father
The first major concern
of the SDARM is understandable, in that the doctrine of the Trinity as taught
by many might suggest Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not eternal because they
somehow come from the Father. However,
this is again more a problem of terminology than substance. For the avoidance of doubt, to say the Son
and Spirit come forth from the Father is not to suggest they are somehow
created or not eternal like the Father, as that would be Arianism.
The preliminary
question is to contemplate the nature of the universe. The pagan Greeks taught the universe was
eternal chaos, to which the Gnostic-Demiurge god fashioned into
everything. The first Christians on the
other hand rejected this teaching, instead holding to the doctrine of creation ex nihilo. This means everything, even space and time
itself, are not eternal, but mere creations – only God is eternal! Modern science itself proves this as fact.

So if space and time
itself are created, and not eternal, what does that say about God? Well it means in the beginning of Gen 1:1
there was nothing – not even the empty vacuum of space, because that would still
be ‘something’. Only God existed in the
very beginning.
But when God created
the universe, what happened? Well, it
appeared a ‘person’ of Godhead ‘remained behind’ and omnipotent, which is the
Father; a ‘person’ of Godhead proceeded to be everywhere and omnipresent, which
is the Holy Spirit; and a ‘person’ of the Godhead ‘lowered’ itself to adopt a
corporal form/body, an omnibenevolent act which is the Son.
In this way, the Son
is begotten and the Spirit proceeds from the Father, but the Son and the Spirit
are not ‘created’ – they always were with the Father in the beginning. Thus, it seems the SDARM has made a ‘rookie’s
mistake’, in wrongly thinking the Trinity promotes the notion of a created
Jesus and Holy Spirit, which would be the heresy of Arianism. It is highly complicated, so that mistake is
understandable, but why then call those who believe in the Trinity apostate
and in Babylon?
One mega-God without
parts: meaning of ‘person’
The second major
concern of the SDARM is that it seems that by rejecting the English-word
meaning of ‘person’, that someone means the Trinity denies the distinction or
differences of the Father, Son or Holy Spirit.
However, that would be to promote the heresy of Modalism, which is to
say the persons of the Godhead just appear
as perceived from the observer to be distinct but are not.
The original
Greek-speaking Christians who formulated the Nicene Creed were quite cognisant
of this problem. As discussed above, the word
‘person’ in English is a rather poor translation of the Latin personae, which is itself a poor
translation of the original Greek hypostasis. As observed by Edward W. Bauman, Beyond Belief (quoted
in the book Faith in Search of Understanding, by John B. Magee):
‘In attempting to define more precisely what is
meant by the threefold oneness of God, the church has spoken of God "in
three Persons," a practice that goes back to the third century.
Translation of the Latin word persona
as "person" can be misleading, however, because the third-century
meaning is quite different from the meaning today. The word originally referred
to the mask worn by actors in a play, then to dramatic roles in the play, and
only much later to the conscious self or ego, the individual
"person." Use of the term today in connection with the Trinity
implies that there are three personal divine beings in one God, a definite form
of tritheism. In contrast to this, the doctrine of the Trinity is intended to
affirm the threefold oneness of God.’

By comparison, the nature of the Holy
Spirit’s existence as an entity seems to be radically different, as the Holy
Spirit is omnipresent (everywhere at once), as the Bible attests (Psal
139:7-10). As such, the nature of the
Holy Spirit’s existence as a ‘person’ is beyond comprehension, because we can’t
really grasp something existing everywhere at the same time.

‘The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Men
cannot explain it, because the Lord has not revealed it to them. Men having
fanciful views may bring together passages of Scripture and put a human
construction on them, but the acceptance of these views will not strengthen the
church. Regarding such mysteries, which are too deep for human understanding,
silence is golden.’ (AA 51-52)
Similarly, we need to be careful in imposing
a limited human understanding of ‘person’ when contemplating the true nature of
the existence of the Father. Ellen White seemed to acknowledge this difficulty in
understanding what type of ‘person’ the Father is:
‘I saw a throne, and on it sat the Father
and the Son. I gazed on Jesus' countenance and admired His lovely person. The
Father's person I could not behold, for a cloud of glorious light covered Him.
I asked Jesus if His Father had a form like Himself. He said He had, but I
could not behold it, for said He, “If you should once behold the glory of His person, you
would cease to exist.”’ (EW 54)
‘I have often seen the lovely Jesus, that
He is a person. I asked Him if
His Father was a person and had a form like Himself. Said Jesus, “I am in the express image of My Father's person.”’ (EW 77)
‘The Son
of God shared the Father's throne, and the glory of the eternal, self-existent
One encircled both.’ (PP 36)
Therefore, the Father,
Son and Spirit share the same essence as one monotheistic God, but in different
existences, substances or personalities.
If we forget this slight but important distinction, we fall into danger
of breaking the second commandment of the Decalogue in Ex 20:4:
‘You shall not make for yourself an
idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on
the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.’
Thus, it seems the
SDARM has made another ‘rookie’s mistake’, in wrongly thinking the Trinity
denies the distinctive and separate existences of the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, which would be the heresy of Modalism.
Again, it is highly complicated, so that mistake is understandable, but
why then call those who believe in the Trinity apostate and in Babylon?
The very worst solution: SDARM Tritheism

Tritheism by contrast
effectively denies the oneness of God.
It is about as monotheistic as Hinduism, with its worship of thousands,
if not millions of gods, which they teach are mere manifestations of one
The mistakes of Aaron: The Golden calf of the SDARM

In effect the SDARM
have made the same mistake as Aaron and the children of Israel. They have
abandoned the mysterious ‘I AM’ that they couldn’t understand and instead made
a man-made god in their own image.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva: SDARM views amount to paganism
As a final word, it
seems the Refomers’ view of God seems not that dissimilar from the Hindu
Tritheism of Brahma, Vishnu and Sheva. Whilst
the understanding of the Godhead is exceptionally difficult, if not beyond
comprehension, it is astounding the SDARM could be so brazen in calling other
Christians, including the mainstream SDA Church, as apostate. Again, the
problem is not just the SDARM view of the Godhead, but that they would have the
cheek to condemn the mainstream SDA Church over a topic they clearly have no
proper understanding of themselves.
Whilst the Reformers are quick to claim the mainstream SDA Church is part of the three frog confederation of Satan, they are in fact the ones who are promoting the worship of three separate gods like the ancient pagans of old. How do they really differ from those ancient Canaanites who tried to give Yahweh a wife in Asherah (the 'Queen of Heaven') and Baal? So who is calling who is in Babylon?
Three Frogs: Diagram about different theories on the nature of God
For our SDARM friends, the following is a helpful series of diagrams explaining the main theories on the nature of God. We can only hope our Reformist viewers become more familiar with these main concepts of the Godhead before they go ahead and calling others Babylon.
Listen and watch as independant, renegade, John Thiel describes how HE will be part of the Godhead.
Had a look at this from 'independent historic' Reformer John Thiel (for those who don't know who you are talking about).
DeleteThe link suggests: 'Independent adventist minister John Thiel comes out as a divinely appointed prophet and declares that he shall be part of the God head and equal with Christ.'
The statement of John Thiel emphasized in the link seems something along these lines (at about the 5-min mark):
"We have the privilege, as heirs of God, of being part of the position of the Godhead. People try to pull me up on this asking, 'Are you trying to say we can be part of the Godhead. Isn't this what it teaches? If you were to die in Christ, you would be God. The world does not know this or understand this. Who believes this - if you don't, then you separate yourself from the Godhead."
Scary, scary stuff!
Then interestingly John Thiel's statement is compared with the teachings of Joseph Smith, that we can become gods. The Mormons are well known for this belief.
However, I think what John Thiel is teaching is also found in many Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Budhhism. This is Nirvana.
Similar teachings are in fact found in Roman Catholicism. It is the idea of 'apotheosis'. Cyril of Alexandria in the 4th-Cent was the first to use this idea to justify the doctrine of transubstantiation, which is the idea that the Eucharist (bread) is the literal body of Jesus, which is necessary so we can become part of the Godhead.
I wonder if John Thiel has been influenced by Mormonism, Eastern Religions or Roman Catholicism - or all of them.
Finally, I have heard it said that the accusations of sexual sin against John are lies, and that in fact he was expelled from the SDARM because of his views on the nature of Christ. However, I wonder if that is right - John was expelled from the SDARM because of these heretical views - so at odds with monotheism and Protestant Christianity.
John was disfellowshiped from the SDARM for sexual sin or the apearance of it, he seized upon the SDARM 1999 declaration of Christ as an excuse to seperate from the ADARM and take his gaggle of female devotees with him.
DeleteInteresting. What sort of group does he have now? I assume not connected with any of the SDARM factions? For all the faults of the SDARM, at least as a world-wide institution, there are inherent checks and balances. As a one-man show now, I guess there really are no checks and balances on his control over his devotees? I probably don't know enough about it, but the parallels to David Koresh come to mind.
DeleteRead the book "Divine Truth or Human Tradition" by Patrick Navas. All your arguments are refuted therein.
ReplyDelete"Before Abraham was, I am" just means "I am before Abraham was." "I am" is the historical present. Jesus was answering a question about his age: "You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham?"
ReplyDeleteThe crowd’s reaction, which seems an attempt at stoning for blasphemy, suggests the audience understood the statement as a divine claim. Why would they do this if Jesus was merely saying something as innocuous as "I am Jesus"?
DeleteReally "I am" is the most common subject verb combination in every language. If "I am" is being used as a title the sentence lacks a predicate.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be referring to John 8:15:
Delete“Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.” So they picked up stone to throw at him, but Jesus him himself and went out of the temple.”
The Greek words, ego ami, ‘I am’, can be simply a phrase of common speech as we would use ‘It is I’ or ‘I am the one’. However, it also has a solemn and sacred use in the Old Testament as the divine covenant name of the One True God, derived from the verb ‘to be’, which most Biblical scholars now translate as 'Yahweh' – God’s personal name as explained to Moses in the burning bush.
It seems you are thinking in English – not Koine Greek. Greek often drops the predicate because of implication. As R Bauckham correctly noted, English translators have trouble smoothly translating the absolute aorist infinitive that lacks a predicate nominative into something that would be intelligible in English.
The fact of no possible predicate does not support your argument – it supports mine. Where Abraham’s coming into existence is described with an aorist infinitive, Christ’s is described as an absolute present tense; an existence initiated by birth compared with absolute existence. Jesus applied the divine title “I am” (egō eimi) in the absolute (i.e., with no supplied predicate) to Himself on seven (or possibility eight) different occasions! The phrase does indeed become intelligible without an implied predicate EXCEPT as an allusion to the Divine Name.
Moreover and most convincing of all, the crowd’s reaction, which seems an attempt at stoning for blasphemy, suggests the audience understood the statement as a divine claim. Why would they do this if Jesus was merely saying something as innocuous as "I am Jesus"?
The Jews' attempt to kill Jesus in John 8 is the result of their long and intense verbal disputation throughout the entire chapter. Prior to Jesus' statement in 8:58, he said that the Jews were already seeking to kill him (8:37). He referred to them as slaves of sin, children of their father the devil, rebels against the word of God, and liars following in the footsteps of the father of lies. Finally he claimed to preexist the father of their nation, which was the straw that broke the camel's back and thus led to the Jews finally trying to stone him.